AD8000 je na mikroprocessorju temelječ merilec pH, ORP, prevodnosti, TDS in temperature.
Izmeri tudi relativne vrednosti mV.
pH measurements are compensated for temperature effect automatically (ATC) using AD7662 temperature probe, while the EC readings can be compensated automatically (ATC) using the conductivity probe with built-in temperature sensor or manually (MTC). It is also possible to disable the temperature compensation and measure the actual conductivity.
pH kalibracija je 1, 2 ali 3 točkovna z 5 shranjenimi tekočinami (pH 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01).
AD8000ima alarm za kalibracijo - nas opozori, ko je treba umeriti, GLP feature to view last calibration data and automatic HOLD feature to freeze the first stable reading on the LCD.
AD8000 je vkompletu z AD1131B refillable pH electrode with glass body with BNC connector and 1 m cable, AD76309 conductivity probe with built-in temperature sensor and 1 m cable, AD7662 stainless steel temperature probe with 1 m cable, pH 4.01 and pH 7.01 calibration buffers (20 ml sachet each), EC calibration solutions at 1413 μS/cm and 12.88 mS/cm (20 ml sachet each), 12 Vdc power adapter and user manual.
V kompletu :
- A1131B pH elektroda s steklenim ohišjem z BNC konektorjem in 1 m kabla,
- AD7662 temperaturna elektroda z 1m kablom
- A76309 tester prevodnosti EC/TDS s temperaturnim senzorjem in 1 m kablom,
- pH 4.01 and pH 7.01 kalibrirne tekočine (20 ml),
- EC kalibrirna tekočina 1413 μS/cm (20 ml) in 12.88 mS/cm (20 ml),
- 12 Vdc adapter in navodila za uporabo.
- nosilec za elektrode je vključen v kompletu
ORP elektroda NI v kompletu !